You're not lost anymore..
Ndodh qe ne nje periudhe te jetes tende te ndihesh sikur ke ngecur ne nje udhekryq dhe nuk di si te veprosh, nuk di cfar drejtimi te maresh sepse ke frike qe te mos maresh vendime te gabuara.
Kembet po ecnin ne toke por mendja eshte ne ajer dhe syte jane te mjergullt e mund te biesh nga momenti ne moment. E gjithe ndjesia qe kjo situate te transmeton te kthehet ne frike dhe ti ndalon, e denon veten te qendrosh akoma aty sepse nuk ke guxim te mjaftueshem per te ecur para e per te bere ate qe ndjen dhe pa kuptuar e mbush veten me pasiguri.
Ne momentin qe kupton qe cdo gje ne jete qe ti ke dashur me se shumti dhe qe ke luftuar me mish e me shpirt per t'i patur, tashme jane me te paarritshme se kurre dhe e gjithe bota ndryshon kuptimin e saj.
Te pranosh humbjen eshte e vetmja gje qe te mbetet per te bere edhe atehere kur nuk do ta pranosh, edhe pse mendja, zemra serisht duan te luftojne duhet te kuptosh dhe te pranosh qe disa gjera ne jete nuk jan te destinuara te ndodhin per arsyje te ndryshme dhe nuk do jene asnjehere te tuat sado te mundohesh.
Te kuptosh se te lidhesh pas gjerave qe e di qe nuk do ti kesh kurr te dhemb me shume sesa ti pranosh dhe te ecesh para, por te ngecesh ne kete kapitull te jetes do te te beje te humbesh akoma me shume.
E gjithe kjo frike tashme e transformuar i ka rrenjet aq te thella dhe te ngulitura aq fort qe i ben te jen te veshtira te shkeputen dhe sado qe te mundohesh asnjeher nuk je gati per te dale plotesisht nga guacka jote .
Pyete veten a ja vlen? Te qendrosh strukur ne guacken tende te iluzionit e te shikosh qe e gjith bota jote po shembet dhe te mos besh as levizjen me te vogel per te ndryshuar dicka..
Shpesh jemi ne vet ata qe e lendojme veten duke u munduar te rijetojme ne mendjen tone nje histori qe tashme ka mbaruar ne vend qe te ecim perpara te krijojm dicka tjeter akoma me te mire me dike qe na meriton, dike jo perfekt por dike qe te pershtatet , dike qe do te doje edhe atehere kur ti nuk e do me veten,e kjo gje vlen me shum se cdo tjeter ne bote. Asgje ne jete nuk shkon sic ne e duam, deshirat nuk plotesohen te gjitha, nuk mund te realizohet cdo objektiv por kurr nuk duhet te humbesh shpresen, ne nje menyre ose tjeter cdokush do mare ate qe meriton ne fund. Nje periudhe e keqe ne jete nuk eshte e gjithe jeta jote, shum vite te tjera perpara do ta zbehin se tepermi kete situate qe po kalon tani.
Mos e deno veten me kujtime te se shkuares, mos i jep aq shume rendesi sa ti besh te perjetshme.
Ti meriton me shum se ato qe ke humbur, vlen me shum se fjala e personave qe te kan gjykuar dhe zemra jote peshon shum her me pak se goditjet qe ke mare ne jete.
Mer fryme lirshem dhe perserit ne vetvete "do ta le te shkoj kete dhimbje" binde veten qe ti je e forte dhe do ja dalesh mbane te kapercesh cdo pengese dhe te luftosh per gjerat qe ti meriton.
- English Version-
It happens that in a period of your life, you feel like you're stuck at a crossroads and don't know what to do, unsure of which direction to take because you're afraid of making wrong decisions.
Your feet are moving on the ground, but your mind is in the air, and your eyes are teary, and you could fall at any moment. The whole feeling this situation transmits turns into fear, and it stops you, blaming yourself for staying still because you don't have enough courage to move forward, to do what you feel, and without understanding, you fill yourself with insecurity. The moment you realize that everything in life you've wanted most and fought hard to have is now more unreachable than ever, and the whole world changes its meaning.
Accepting loss is the only thing left to do even when you won't accept it, even though the mind and heart still want to fight, you must understand and accept that some things in life are not meant to happen for various reasons and will never be yours no matter how hard you try.
Understanding that being attached to things that you know you'll never have will hurt you more than accepting and moving forward but stumbling in this chapter of life will make you lose even more. All this fear, now transformed, has roots so deep and firmly planted that it makes it difficult to break away, and no matter how hard you try, you're never ready to fully come out of your shell.
Ask yourself, is it worth it? To stay crouched in your illusion's shell and watch as your whole world crumbles, and not make even the smallest move to change something.
Often, we are the ones who hurt ourselves by trying to relive in our minds a story that has already ended, instead of moving forward to create something better with someone who deserves us, someone not perfect but someone who fits, someone who will love you even when you don't love yourself, and that's worth more than anything else in the world. Nothing in life goes as we want, all desires are not fulfilled, and not every objective can be achieved, but you should never lose hope, in one way or another everyone will get what they deserve in the end. A bad period in life is not your whole life, many years ahead will fade away at least this situation you're going through now. Don't blame yourself with memories of the past, don't give them so much importance as to make them eternal.
You deserve more than what you've lost, worth more than the words of the people who have judged you, and your heart weighs much less than the blows you've taken in life. Take a deep breath and repeat to yourself "I will let go of this pain" Convince yourself that you are strong and you'll overcome every obstacle and fight for what you deserve.
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