It's Us

They said that everything happens for a reason and that the only answer for it is destiny, but how are we supposed to live a life where everything is supposed to be hanging on destiny, what about our choices?

Or were the choices that brought us where we are? So many questions and it is all so confusing to understand how life works. 

When we are caught up in the euphoria we just live the experiences without thinking twice and when things go bad we tend to blame everything around us except ourselves, we blame others, we blame destiny but never ourselves as it was everything else, but us that lived our own life. The thing is that at this moment, by thinking this way we are making the biggest mistake of our life because the one to blame is us, even if we think we are innocent, it's just us.

It is us who live this life in this way with our own actions, no matter if it's from heart, head or emotions.

Why a bad experience in a coffee shop, job or school doesn't follow you in every step of your life like a broken relationship with one person, a lover or just someone you used to care too much about.

What about when things go wrong in other aspects of life, why does it hurt so little? Have you ever asked this to yourself?  Why do failed relations have so much impact on our lives?

Broken memories while you walk passed by the street, their smell on your sheets, folders in your phone with pictures, songs that you used to listen to together, gifts that you once exchanged all in one person, you.

When something goes wrong about someone even if you are the one who got hurt, it is still you the one to blame, because it is you who got so attached to that person, it is you who put that person into your life and made it part of you. 

You shared a part of your soul with someone and now you feel empty. 

You are to blame for everything that you did wrong, but not for trying to give yourself a chance to be happy with someone who turned out to be the wrong one.

I wish I could say that one day the wounds of your empty soul will heal enough to not hurt anymore because it will never be like that, they'll always hurt, but just as time passes you just get used to it.

Blame yourself, for all the things that went wrong so that in the future you'll get on the way to make it right even when you think you're messed up, try again.

Everything has its timing, it has its meaning. We can't choose which one to love, but we can choose to learn our lessons and move on when you hurt by falling out of love. 


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