Empty Soul


Sa peshon dhimbja e nje dashurie te humbur? 

Gjendem ne nje dhome plot me njerezit qe dua por nuk ndihem e plote, ndjej se ka dicka qe mungon ...
Dhe nga gjerat qe supozohet te me japin kenaqesi maksimale tashme nuk me transmetojne me te njejten ndjesi...
Bosh, e vetmja gje qe ndjej, di te them ose te shpreh 
Pra te humbesh nje dashuri peshon aq sa eshte madhesia e shpirtit tend sepse pasi e humb ate dashuri ti humb cdo ndjesi...
Nuk ke me fuqi te qash, te bertasesh e te qeshesh asnje lloj tjeter emocioni..
Bota ne dukje kthehet ne nje vend te zymte, te ftohte dhe me qiell gjithmon gri, peme te zhveshura e rruge te zbrazeta.
Asgje nuk transmeton me asnje ndjesi, as te mire as te keqe..
Dhe atehere kuptojme se ne, qeniet njerzore jemi teper te lidhura ndaj emocioneve duke filluar dhe nga, ata qe duken me te vetpermbajtur tek ata qe shprehen me se tepermi ..
Dhe e gjithe kjo duam apo jo ta pranojme eshte nje nga drogat me te forta, doza e te ciles nese nuk meret atehere kur na nevojitet na ben te ndihemi bosh...
Aq shum te lidhur jemi pas emocioneve, dhe jo emocioneve dosido por ato qe ne duam te ndjejme.
Jeta na ofron nje shumllojshmeri  emocionesh dhe ndjesish qe nese do mund te zgjidhnim nuk do ndiheshim bosh por ne jemi qenie aq kapricoze sa nuk duam ta pranojme kete, duam ato qe duam edhe nese nuk marim ate ndjesi qe deshirojme ndihemi bosh.. eshte njesoj sikur te duam vetem nje ngjyre e nese nuk e kemi ate te tjerat nuk egzistojne per ne, nuk i shikojme ,nuk i ndjejme ..
E gjithe kjo situate na con ne mbyllje ne vetvete dhe na shkakton "humbje nga realiteti"..
Ne nje periudhe te jetes na ndodh te afeksionohemi se tepermi pas dikujt qe duket qe ka ate 'ngjyren ' qe ne duam dhe na transmeton ato emocione qe na bejne te ndihemi te lumtur e te plote, perfshihemi aq shume ne ate ndjesi sa harrojme cdo gje tjeter, por ne momentin kur e gjith kjo gje perfundon dhe ai person iken duket sikur ne ikjen e tij mer me vete cdo ndjesi tenden dhe te le 'bosh'..
Dhe me pas pyet veten pse?!
Sepse ne pa e kuptuar leme  shpirtin tone ,lumturine tone ne duart e dikujt dhe harrojme veten.. harrojme te duam veten..
Harrojme se gjeja me e rendesishme je vet ti.
Harrojme cdo gje te bukur qe jeta mund te na ofroje dhe me pas fajsojme boten per gjerat qe ndodhen  por jo ,te vetmit pergjegjes per gjerat qe ndodhin jemi vet ne dhe paaftesia jone per ti kuptuar gjerat sepse jemi teper te perfshire ne emocionet qe po ndjejme.
Por nuk ke as perse  fajson veten qe  nuk ishe i vemendshem sepse ndjenjat nuk kane llogjike, zemra nuk e njeh me trurin kur ne i injektojme doza te larta emocionesh..
Kujtohu se sa i forte je mbi gjithcka qe te ka ndodhur e mbushe serisht hapsiren ne  shpirtin tend me kujtimet me te bukura te se shkuares, me gjerat me te bukura te se tashmes dhe me deshirat qe ke ne te ardhmen.. 
Nje humbje ne jete nuk eshte humbja e jetes tende.
Leri gjerat te rrjedhin ashtu sic duan por mos harro te duash veten sepse ajo do jete e vetmja pran teje sa her shpirti yt te ndihet bosh kur ai dikush te mos jete me aty..

                                                                   -English Version-

How much does the pain of a lost love weigh?

I find myself in a room full of people I love but I don't feel complete, I feel like something is missing...
And the things that are supposed to give me maximum pleasure, they no longer transmit any feeling to me...
Empty, the only thing I feel, know how to say or express

So losing a love weighs as much as the size of your soul because after losing that love you lose every feeling...
You no longer have the strength to cry, to scream, or to laugh, no other emotion..
The world seemingly turns into a dark, cold place with a perpetually gray sky, bare trees, and empty streets.
Nothing transmits any feeling anymore, neither good nor bad..
And then we understand that we, human beings, are so much tied up to emotions, starting with, those people that seem most contained to those expressed most.
And all this, whether we want to admit it or not, is one of the strongest drugs, the dosage of which, if not taken when needed, makes us feel empty...
We are tied to emotions, and not just any emotions but the ones we want to feel.
Life offers us a variety of emotions and feelings that if we could choose, we wouldn't feel empty but we are such capricious beings that we don't want to accept this, we want those we want even if we don't get that feeling we desire we feel empty... it's as if we only want one colour and if we don't have it the others don't exist for us, we don't see them, and we don't feel them.
All this situation leads us to isolation and causes us "loss from reality".

In a period of life, we ​​fall in love too much with someone who seems to have that 'colour' we want and transmits to us those emotions that make us feel happy and complete, we involve ourselves so much in that feeling that we forget everything else, but at the moment when all these ends and that person leaves it seems as if he takes with him every feeling of yours and leaves you 'empty'..
And then ask yourself why ?!
Because without realizing it, we leave our spirit, and our happiness in the hands of someone else and forget ourselves.. forget to love ourselves.
Forget that the most important thing is you.
Forget all the beautiful things that life can offer us and then blame the world for the things that happen but no, the only ones responsible for the things that happen are ourselves and our inability to understand things because we are too involved in the emotions we feel.
But you don't even have to blame yourself for not being careful because feelings have no logic, the heart does not know the brain when we inject high doses of emotions.
Remember how strong you are above everything that has happened to you and fill again the space in your soul with the most beautiful memories of the past, with the most beautiful things of the present and with the desires you have in the future.
A loss in life is not the loss of your life.
Let things flow as they wish but don't forget to love yourself because she will be the only one with you every time your soul feels empty when that someone is no longer there..


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