
Kur mendojme per fjalen pergjithmone llogjika na con tek dicka e pafundme, e perjetshme.
Shpesh na ndodh te themi "do jem pergjithmone prane teje"  dhe "do te dua pergjithmone" sepse kjo fjal duket sikur pershtatet me se miri me ndjenjat qe po ndjejme ne ate moment.
Trishtueshem mund te them se realiteti te cilin shpesh e quajme te hidhur eshte i till, i hidhur...
Mendja e njeriut eshte aq komplekse sa te permbledhe informacione te teperta dhe te krijoj iliuzione pa e kuptuar se cfare rezultati do kete ne fund.
Nuk e kuptojne qe egoja e madhe per t'i pasur disa gjera pergjithmone mund t'i beje t'i humbasin me shpejt se sa mendojne dhe ne momentin qe pergjithmone do te mbaroje, e gjithe iluzioni i krijuar do kthehet ne nje enderr dhe me pas do thyhet, por copat e nje enderre te thyer do te lendojne me shume se ato te nje objekti qelqi dhe do qendrojne aty me gjate per te te kujtuar cdo detaj te thyerjes se saj e do te vrasin cdo here qe ti do mendosh per te.
Eshte ne natyren tone, ne qelizat tona qe t'i bejme disa gjera instiktivisht, por po sikur te kishte nje zgjidhje per te mos u lenduar, per te kuptuar realitetin dhe per ti pare gjerat ne nje kendveshtrim tjeter para se te jete teper vone?!
Po sikur pergjithmone te jene ne realitet vetem caste?
Caste qe ne do te deshironim te mos mbaronin kurre, njerez qe do deshironim te mos i humbisnim asnjehere dhe te qendronin gjithmone me ne ne cdo hap te jetes tone.
Deshirat jo gjithmone realizohen dhe te ushqesh veten me dicka kur nuk ke mundesi ta realizosh eshte njesoj sikur te besh nje vrime ne uje, pra e pakuptimte dhe e pavlere.
Duhet te pranosh qe cdo jo gje qe ti deshiron do ta kesh patjeter vetem sepse te mos e kesh te lendon, te kuptosh qe gjerat qe te lendojne te bejne me te forte e te bejn t'i shikosh ato ne nje menyre qe nuk i ke asnjeher me pare.
Mos e humb driten e jetes tende duke u strukur ne pjesen e erret vetem se ajo te ben te ndihesh me mire sepse ajo e mire eshte vetem momentale dhe penguese per te pare ate cfare eshte pertej saj, driten e jetes tende, e ajo eshte me e forte dhe me e qendrueshme se cdo gje.
Ajo do te beje te shikosh qe ka shum ngjyra rreth botes tende dhe te shikosh sesa gjera te bukura ke prane vetes.
Qendro pozitive, ne cdo gje qe fiton dhe humbet sepse cdo gje qe te ka ndodhur ne jete se ato gjera te kan bere ate qe je sot.
E nese nuk te pelqen personi qe je kthyer aktualish, hidh pas kraheve cdo negativitet dhe shikoje veten pertej erresir sepse ajo eshte cfar je ti realisht.
Nese do qe dielli te shkelqeje ne jeten tende largo cdo pike shiu dhe qendro larg reve gri, largo dhe parandalo cdo mendim qe te ben te ndihesh keq per veten.
Ji falenderues per  ato  pergjithmone qe ke jetuar dhe emocionet qe ke kaluar sepse disa gjera nuk perjetohen me njesoj per se dyti.
Ji falenderues edhe per ato qe nuk arrite t'i jetoje sepse kane lene hapesire te jetosh te tjera.
Nese do qe bota te jete ne paqe me ty duhet te gjesh paqen ne vete me pare, ai eshte fillimi i gjithckaje.
Fillimi i nje pergjithmone qe do jete gjithmone me ty…
Sepse i vetmi pergjithmone qe do jete perjetesisht me ty je TI.

                                                         -English Version-

When we think about the word "forever", logic leads us to something endless, something eternal

Often we say "I will always be there for you" and "I will love you forever" because this word seems to fit best with the feelings we are experiencing at that moment. Sadly, I can say that the reality we often call bitter is indeed such, bitter... 
The human mind is so complex that it can encompass excessive information and create illusions without understanding what the end result will be. They do not understand that the big ego to have some things forever can make them lose them faster than they think, and the moment forever will end, all the illusion created will turn into a dream and then break, but the pieces of a broken dream will hurt more than those of a glass object and will stay there longer to remind you of every detail of its breakage and will kill you every time you think about it. 

It is in our nature, in our cells, to do some things instinctively, but what if there was a solution not to get hurt, to understand reality and to see things from a different perspective before it's too late?! But what if forever is only moments in reality? 

Moments that we would wish would never end, people we would wish we never lose and always stay with us at every step of our lives. Desires are not always fulfilled and feeding yourself with something when you cannot realize it is like making a hole in the water, so incomprehensible and futile. You have to accept that everything you do not want will eventually hurt you, to understand that things that hurt you make you stronger and make you see them in a way you have never seen them before. Do not lose the light of your life by staying in the dark part just because it makes you feel better because that good is only temporary and inhibitory to see what is beyond it, the light of your life, and that is stronger and more sustainable than anything else. 
It will make you see that there are many colours around your world and see how many beautiful things you have near you. Stay positive, in everything you win and lose because everything that has happened to you in life has made you who you are today. And if you don't like the person you have become currently, throw away all the negativity and look beyond the darkness because that's what you really are. If you want the sun to shine in your life away from every raindrop and stay away from grey clouds, stay away and prevent any thought that makes you feel bad about yourself. Be thankful for those who have lived forever and the emotions you have experienced because some things are not experienced the same way twice. 
Be grateful even for those you did not manage to experience because they have left space for you to live with other ones. If you want the world to be at peace with you, you must first find peace within yourself, that's the beginning of everything. The beginning of a forever that will always be with you... 
Because the only forever that will be with you forever is YOU.


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