Perfect imperfection

Pas kaq shume kohesh e gjeti veten duke shkruar serisht..

E habitshme, dukej sikur kjo pjese e saj kishte ikur per te mos u kthyer me kurr, por cdo gje qe iken rikthehet serisht sa do qe mendon te kunderten..
Ngriti koken lart dhe e shikonte veten te rrethuar nga shume njerez, njerez qe nxitojne , njerez qe ecin qete qe lejojne qe shiu ti perkedhel fytyren, disa jane te lumtur dhe po perqafojne njeriun e zemres dhe ne fund ishte ajo..
Ulur ne nje stol posht nje peme dhe gati nuk dukej fare, kishte mare nje leter e po shkruante...
"Si mund te jesh perfekte?!
Si duhet te sillesh per te qene e till?!..
Si mund te jet dikush perfekt per ty?
Jam konfuze e nuk di te pergjigjem, por po perpiqem..
Mendoj se perfeksioni ne vetvete nuk ekziston, eshte thjesht nje menyre e te krahasuarit..
Gjithcka varet nga menyra se si e shikojme nje person, nje veper apo dhe vete jeten...
Nese dicka eshte ashtu sic ti e do atehere ti e quan "perfekte".
Por gjeja me e mrekullueshme eshte te shikosh dicka ose dike qe nuk eshte perfekte ne menyre perfekte..
Te duash ne menyr perfekte dike i cili esht shum larg te qenit i till, tja kthesh gabimet ne momente te bukura, tja kthesh veset ne virtyte dhe lotet ne buzeqeshje pafund...
Te qendrosh kur te thot ik...
Te jesh larg por te mos lejosh qe kjo largesi tju ndryshoj..
Dhe kur te lendoj te thuash se cdo gje do behet mir, i thuaj qe serisht do e duash...
Te mos e zevendesosh me asgje ne bot.
Te ndjesh..
Dhe kur te mari malli, ne pamundesi per te qene prane mbyll syt dhe kujto momentet e kaluara...
Duaje pa kushte, pa fund....
Por te qene perfekt duhet te ecesh perreth nje rrethi dhe te ndalosh ne cepat e tij...
E kupton?
Por rrethi nuk ka cepa..nuk mund te arrish kurr perfeksionin
Por mund te perpiqesh ta arrish duke ecur perreth atij rrethi me sinqeritet, dashuri e mirkuptim...
Gjithe jeten..
Pavarsisht cdo gjeje.
Ndodh qe ne nje moment te caktuar te jetes tende te njohesh dike i cili do te bej te ndryshosh mendimin qe ke per jeten..                                                                                                   Te te ngjyrose zemren me ngjyrat e duhura e te mbushe shpirtin me ndjenja te verteta.
Do doja te thoja qe ky person do shfaqet rastesisht, por jo.
Rastesia nuk ekziston, cdo gje ndodh per nje arsyje.
Do kete vuajtje, do ket dhe lot.
Asgje e mir nuk vjen pa nje te keqe, por nese vertet e do kte te mire duhet te luftosh per te, per ndjenjat e tua.
Por kur e kupton qe keto ndjenja jane dashuri?
Dashuri e vertet?
Kur nje person i vetem behet pjes e qenies tende, kur nje prekje duarsh te bej te ndihesh e plote, kur dy sy "te huaj" te jene pasqyra jote ,nje puthje te te mpij cdo qeliz te trupit tend dhe ne perqafimin e tij te ndihesh ne paqe.
Te zgjohesh cdo mengjes dhe te flesh cdo nate me te njejtin person ne mendje..
Te mendosh per te ne cdo moment..
Te shumezosh boten me zero para tij, te jet ai i vetmi ne jeten tende edhe nese nuk e ke prane.
Dhe nese eshte larg mungesa e tij te bej me te forte..
Te lutesh per te, te perkujdesesh, te jesh e sinqerte.
Te perkushtohesh.
Fati nuk ndan njerez, njerezit jan ata qe jan te paafte per te perballuar sfidat e jetes, por ti mos u dorezo.
Prite njesoj si te mos kishte ikur kurre.
Prite ta perqafosh serisht.
Prite dhe do i perkisni njeri-tjetrit gjith jeten.
Era frynte lehte dhe perkedhelte lehte floket dhe fytyren e saj..Palosi letren nder te tjerave dhe u ngrit te ecte..Cdo hap, cdo rruge kishte nga nje kuptim te sajen dhe dhimbte menyra sesi arrin te ndikojn kaq shum gjera kaq te vogla..Mbase nuk jan dhe aq te vogla perderisa lendonin aq shum..
Nxitoj dhe hyri brenda ne shtepi.
Sikur bota ti kishte ber aq keq sa i kish futur friken ne palce.

                                                                     -English Version-

After so much time, she found herself writing again...

It was strange, it seemed like this part of her had gone never to return again, but everything that goes away returns again someday, no matter how much you think the opposite... 
She raised her head and saw herself surrounded by many people, people who rush, people who walk calmly allowing the rain to tickle their faces, some were happy and were embracing the person of their heart and in the end, it was her... 
Sitting at a table under a tree and hardly visible, she had taken a paper and was writing...

"How can you be perfect ?! How should you behave to be like that ?!.. 
How can someone be perfect for you? I'm confused and don't know how to answer, but I'm trying. 
I think that perfection itself does not exist, it's just a way of comparing. Everything depends on how we see a person, an act, or even life itself... 
If something is exactly as you want it, then you call it "perfect". 
But the most wonderful thing is to see something or someone who is not perfect in a perfect way... To love someone perfectly who is far from being so, to turn their mistakes into beautiful moments, turn their flaws into virtues, and tears into endless smiles.
To stay when told to leave... 
To be away but not allow this distance to change you... 
And when hurt, to say everything will be okay, tell yourself that you will still love.
Not to replace it with anything in the world. To feel. And when you are missing him/her, if not possible to be close, close your eyes and remember the past moments.
Love unconditionally, endlessly...
But to be perfect, you have to walk around a circle and stop at its corners... 
Do you understand? But the circle has no corners... you can never reach perfection But you can try to, by walking around that circle with sincerity, love, and understanding... All your life.
Regardless of everything.

Sometimes in life, you meet someone who will change your view of life.
To colour your heart with the right colours and fill your soul with true feelings. I would like to say that this person appears randomly, but no. Randomness does not exist, everything happens for a reason. 
There will be suffering, there will be tears. Nothing good comes without bad, but if you really want the good, you have to fight for it, for your feelings. 
But when do you realize that these feelings are love? True love? When one person becomes part of your being, when a touch of hands makes you feel complete, when two "strange" eyes are your mirror, a kiss from him touches every cell of your body and in his embrace, you feel at peace. To wake up every morning and sleep every night with the same person in mind.
To think about him in every moment... To multiply the world by zero in front of him, to be the only one in your life even if you don't have him close. And if he is far, his absence makes you stronger.
To pray for him, to take care of him, to be honest. To be dedicated. Fate does not separate people, people are those who are unable to face the challenges of life but do not give up. Wait as if he never left.
Wait to hug him/her again. 
Wait, and you will belong to each other for a lifetime. 

The wind blew softly and gently caressed her hair and face... She folded the paper among others and got up to walk.
Every step, every road had its own meaning and the painful way they influenced so many things so small... Maybe they are not so small as long as they hurt so much.
She hurried and entered the house... As if the world had done her so wrong to inject fear into her veins...

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